How To Build A Yoga Altar

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

7 Ideas For Building A Yoga Altar

Creating a peaceful place for you to hit the mat, can be a total game changer for your yoga practice. Setting the vibe via your space, can be just as powerful as the intention you set at the beginning of your yoga practice. Below are some ideas about items and objects you can use to build an altar and enhance your yoga space for ultimate ZEN vibes.

  1. Crystals/Stones- There are tons of healing properties associated with crystals. Rose quartz can open your heart, amethyst aids in intuition and opening your third eye, while clear quartz is used for overall cleansing. Add a few crystals to your alter based on your desired feelings and chakras that need balanced. There are stones that correlate with each chakra too. A quick google search or trip to your local metaphysical shop can give you all the info you need on these powerful healing stones!

  2. Incense- There are many incense fragrances that are correlated to chakras, intentions, and desires. Incense can heighten your meditation or yoga practice by activating your sense of smell and inviting different sensations into the body.

  3. Figures/ Spiritual Totems- Statues of holy saints, prophets, Hindu & Greek gods, animal spirits etc can all be used to create powerful energy within your alter. My personal favorite is a statue I have of Ganesh who is an elephant headed Hindu god known to be the remover of obstacles.

  4. Candles- Candles are known to create ambience in so many settings, so why not light some during your yoga practice! There is also a candle gazing meditation you can do that is very powerful. There are many of descriptions and tutorials online to read and follow along.

  5. Sage/Palo Santo- Sage os known for clearing negativity and darkness. Light this if you’d like to cleanse. Be sure to leave a window or door open so the negative energy can escape. Palo Santo is known to remove obstacles and bring good fortune in addition to cleansing.

  6. Essential Oils- There are so many oils and blends now to explore. From reducing stress, relieving tummy aches, decreasing inflammation, treating allergies, there is an oil for everything! Use oils in a diffuser, or put on your body (read directions first).

  7. Tapestries- These beautiful pieces can be used to hang or drape on the body in meditation or savsana. You can find beautiful tapestries with mandalas, buddhas, and other spiritual symbols.

You can also find things around the house that have meaning to you. Fresh flowers or herbs from your yard. Get creative! Create a beautiful space for your practice.

Love, Light, & Good Vibes Always,



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